Nextflow on One Codex

This page contains helpful information about how to run Nextflow workflows on One Codex.

Supported Nextflow versions

We currently support the following Nextflow versions:

  • 24.04.2
  • 23.10.0
  • 22.10.6
  • 22.04.5

If your workflow requires a specific Nextflow version that is not listed here, reach out to our team and let us know which version you need. We will try to add support for versions as needed.

Debugging failed Nextflow workflows

If your workflow fails for a sample, we will show that the workflow is complete ("complete": true) but not successful ("success": false) in the json details for the workflow (accessible via[workflow_run_UUID], using the unique identifier for this attempt of your workflow run).

For failed workflows, we retain the logs & output files temporarily (7 days after creation), so that you can explore the point of failure in your pipeline. You can access these files by appending /filesto the above URL (i.e.[workflow_run_UUID]/files). The resulting json will list the available files as keys, and their temporary storage location (pre-signed URL) as values, so that you can download the required files.

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