Output directories and files

Once a workflow has completed, any temporary files will automatically be purged. If there are any files that you wish to keep, you will need to place them into a new directory inside the main working directory. This new directory needs to be named output, or at a minimum must be prefixed with output. We recommend using output-$OCX_ANALYSIS_UUID, to allow for easier distinction between outputs from various workflow runs. For Nextflow workflows, this would mean using --outdir output-$OCX_ANALYSIS_UUID in your nextflow run command.

Files that are stored in the output directory will be displayed as outputs on the results page of a workflow. The output directory and any sub-directories can be expanded to view the full tree of results files. Results files can be individually downloaded. There is also an option to download the entire output directory, via the "Download Results" button at the top-right of the results page. We will automatically tar and gzip the output directory for simplified download.


Workflows with large numbers of output files

If your workflow generates >1000 files, we will tarball and gzip the output directory. You will not be able to list or download the individual files within the output folder on the results page. You will instead need to download the entire directory.

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