A Job represents a versioned analysis pipeline and is designed to provide strict reproducibility guarantees. In practice, a job encompasses the following strictly versioned components:

  • Reference data
  • Analysis code
  • The execution environment itself (e.g., a Linux container)

All analyses on One Codex are backed by a job that runs on our reproducible analysis infrastructure.

The below table summarizes all of the properties for the Job resource, with the JSON schema type of each property listed below in italics.

The job ID encoded as an addressable URI
The type of analysis. See the analysis resource properties] for more details.
The JSON schema for the arguments taken by the job (can be an empty object, ie.{})
Timestamp for when the job was created on the One Codex platform, encoded as a RFC 3339 timestamp
The name of the job (this is displayed in the dropdown on the analysis page of the One Codex web application).
Whether the job is publicly available. For most jobs this will be true. Custom, private jobs are also available, and will only be visible to users whose samples (or samples shared with them) have been analyzed using that job.

Note on future changes (): We plan to expose additional top-level fields for jobs, such as any associated costs. In the meantime, all available user-runnable jobs, and their associated costs, may be found within the One Codex web application on the Run Analyses page: https://app.onecodex.com/jobs